home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // this file is the JavaScript backing for the UI wrangling which happens in
- // browser.xul. It also initializes the Greasemonkey singleton which contains
- // all the main injection logic, though that should probably be a proper XPCOM
- // service and wouldn't need to be initialized in that case.
- var GM_BrowserUI = new Object();
- /**
- * nsISupports.QueryInterface
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.QueryInterface = function(aIID) {
- if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
- !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.gmIBrowserWindow) &&
- !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) &&
- !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * Called when this file is parsed, by the last line. Set up initial objects,
- * do version checking, and set up listeners for browser xul load and location
- * changes.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.init = function() {
- this.menuCommanders = [];
- this.currentMenuCommander = null;
- GM_listen(window, "load", GM_hitch(this, "chromeLoad"));
- GM_listen(window, "unload", GM_hitch(this, "chromeUnload"));
- };
- /**
- * The browser XUL has loaded. Find the elements we need and set up our
- * listeners and wrapper objects.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.chromeLoad = function(e) {
- // get all required DOM elements
- this.tabBrowser = document.getElementById("content");
- this.appContent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
- this.sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");
- this.contextMenu = document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu");
- this.statusImage = document.getElementById("gm-status-image");
- this.statusLabel = document.getElementById("gm-status-label");
- this.statusPopup = document.getElementById("gm-status-popup");
- this.statusEnabledItem = document.getElementById("gm-status-enabled-item");
- this.generalMenuEnabledItem = document.getElementById("gm-general-menu-enabled-item");
- this.toolsMenu = document.getElementById("menu_ToolsPopup");
- this.bundle = document.getElementById("gm-browser-bundle");
- // seamonkey compat
- if (!this.toolsMenu) {
- this.toolsMenu = document.getElementById("taskPopup");
- }
- // songbird compat
- if (!this.appContent && this.tabBrowser) {
- this.appContent = this.tabBrowser.parentNode;
- }
- // update visual status when enabled state changes
- this.enabledWatcher = GM_hitch(this, "refreshStatus");
- GM_prefRoot.watch("enabled", this.enabledWatcher);
- // hook various events
- GM_listen(this.appContent, "DOMContentLoaded", GM_hitch(this, "contentLoad"));
- GM_listen(this.sidebar, "DOMContentLoaded", GM_hitch(this, "contentLoad"));
- GM_listen(this.contextMenu, "popupshowing", GM_hitch(this, "contextMenuShowing"));
- GM_listen(this.toolsMenu, "popupshowing", GM_hitch(this, "toolsMenuShowing"));
- // listen for clicks on the install bar
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService)
- .addObserver(this, "install-userscript", true);
- // we use this to determine if we are the active window sometimes
- this.winWat = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
- // this gives us onLocationChange
- this.tabBrowser.addProgressListener(this,
- Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION);
- // update enabled icon
- this.refreshStatus();
- // register for notifications from greasemonkey-service about ui type things
- this.gmSvc = Components.classes["@greasemonkey.mozdev.org/greasemonkey-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.gmIGreasemonkeyService);
- // reference this once, so that the getter is called at least once, and the
- // initialization routines will run, no matter what
- this.gmSvc.wrappedJSObject.config;
- this.gmSvc.registerBrowser(this);
- };
- /**
- * gmIBrowserWindow.registerMenuCommand
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.registerMenuCommand = function(menuCommand) {
- if (this.isMyWindow(menuCommand.window)) {
- var commander = this.getCommander(menuCommand.window);
- commander.registerMenuCommand(menuCommand.name,
- menuCommand.doCommand,
- menuCommand.accelKey,
- menuCommand.accelModifiers,
- menuCommand.accessKey);
- }
- };
- /**
- * gmIBrowserWindow.openInTab
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.openInTab = function(domWindow, url) {
- if (this.isMyWindow(domWindow)) {
- this.tabBrowser.addTab(url);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Gets called when a DOMContentLoaded event occurs somewhere in the browser.
- * If that document is in in the top-level window of the focused tab, find
- * it's menu items and activate them.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.contentLoad = function(e) {
- var safeWin;
- var unsafeWin;
- var href;
- var commander;
- if (!GM_getEnabled()) {
- return;
- }
- safeWin = e.target.defaultView;
- unsafeWin = safeWin.wrappedJSObject;
- href = safeWin.location.href;
- if (GM_isGreasemonkeyable(href)) {
- commander = this.getCommander(unsafeWin);
- // if this content load is in the focused tab, attach the menuCommaander
- if (unsafeWin == this.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow) {
- this.currentMenuCommander = commander;
- this.currentMenuCommander.attach();
- }
- this.gmSvc.domContentLoaded({ wrappedJSObject: unsafeWin }, window);
- GM_listen(unsafeWin, "pagehide", GM_hitch(this, "contentUnload"));
- }
- // Show the greasemonkey install banner if we are navigating to a .user.js
- // file in a top-level tab. If the file was previously cached it might have
- // been given a number after .user, like gmScript.user-12.js
- if (href.match(/\.user(?:-\d+)?\.js$/) && safeWin == safeWin.top) {
- var browser = this.tabBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(safeWin.document);
- this.showInstallBanner(browser);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Shows the install banner across the top of the tab that is displayed when
- * a user selects "show script source" in the install dialog.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.showInstallBanner = function(browser) {
- var greeting = this.bundle.getString("greeting.msg");
- if (this.tabBrowser.showMessage) {
- // Firefox 1.5 and lower
- this.tabBrowser.showMessage(
- browser,
- "chrome://greasemonkey/content/icon_small.png",
- greeting,
- this.bundle.getString("greeting.btn"),
- null /* default doc shell */,
- "install-userscript",
- null /* no popuup */,
- "top",
- true /* show close button */,
- this.bundle.getString("greeting.btnAccess") /* access key */);
- } else {
- // Firefox 2.0+
- var notificationBox = this.tabBrowser.getNotificationBox(browser);
- // Remove existing notifications. Notifications get removed
- // automatically onclick and on page navigation, but we need to remove
- // them ourselves in the case of reload, or they stack up.
- for (var i = 0, child; child = notificationBox.childNodes[i]; i++) {
- if (child.getAttribute("value") == "install-userscript") {
- notificationBox.removeNotification(child);
- }
- }
- var notification = notificationBox.appendNotification(
- greeting,
- "install-userscript",
- "chrome://greasemonkey/content/icon_small.png",
- [{
- label: this.bundle.getString("greeting.btn"),
- accessKey: this.bundle.getString("greeting.btnAccess"),
- popup: null,
- callback: GM_hitch(this, "installCurrentScript")
- }]
- );
- }
- };
- /**
- * Called from greasemonkey service when we should load a user script.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.startInstallScript = function(uri, timer) {
- if (!timer) {
- // docs for nsicontentpolicy say we're not supposed to block, so short
- // timer.
- window.setTimeout(
- function() { GM_BrowserUI.startInstallScript(uri, true) }, 0);
- return;
- }
- this.scriptDownloader_ = new GM_ScriptDownloader(window, uri, this.bundle);
- this.scriptDownloader_.startInstall();
- };
- /**
- * Open the tab to show the contents of a script and display the banner to let
- * the user install it.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.showScriptView = function(scriptDownloader) {
- this.scriptDownloader_ = scriptDownloader;
- var tab = this.tabBrowser.addTab(scriptDownloader.script.previewURL);
- var browser = this.tabBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab);
- this.tabBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- };
- /**
- * Implements nsIObserve.observe. Right now we're only observing our own
- * install-userscript, which happens when the install bar is clicked.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.observe = function(subject, topic, data) {
- if (topic == "install-userscript") {
- if (window == this.winWat.activeWindow) {
- this.installCurrentScript();
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error("Unexpected topic received: {" + topic + "}");
- }
- };
- /**
- * Handles the install button getting clicked.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.installCurrentScript = function() {
- this.scriptDownloader_.installScript();
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.installScript = function(script){
- GM_getConfig().install(script);
- this.showHorrayMessage(script.name);
- };
- /**
- * The browser's location has changed. Usually, we don't care. But in the case
- * of tab switching we need to change the list of commands displayed in the
- * User Script Commands submenu.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.onLocationChange = function(a,b,c) {
- if (this.currentMenuCommander != null) {
- this.currentMenuCommander.detach();
- this.currentMenuCommander = null;
- }
- var menuCommander = this.getCommander(this.tabBrowser.selectedBrowser.
- contentWindow);
- if (menuCommander) {
- this.currentMenuCommander = menuCommander;
- this.currentMenuCommander.attach();
- }
- };
- /**
- * A content document has unloaded. We need to remove it's menuCommander to
- * avoid leaking it's memory.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.contentUnload = function(e) {
- if (e.persisted) {
- return;
- }
- var unsafeWin = e.target.defaultView;
- // remove the commander for this document
- var commander = null;
- // looping over commanders rather than using getCommander because we need
- // the index into commanders.splice.
- for (var i = 0; item = this.menuCommanders[i]; i++) {
- if (item.win == unsafeWin) {
- if (item.commander == this.currentMenuCommander) {
- this.currentMenuCommander.detach();
- this.currentMenuCommander = null;
- }
- this.menuCommanders.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * The browser XUL has unloaded. We need to let go of the pref watcher so
- * that a non-existant window is not informed when greasemonkey enabled state
- * changes. And we need to let go of the progress listener so that we don't
- * leak it's memory.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.chromeUnload = function() {
- GM_prefRoot.unwatch("enabled", this.enabledWatcher);
- this.tabBrowser.removeProgressListener(this);
- this.gmSvc.unregisterBrowser(this);
- delete this.menuCommanders;
- };
- /**
- * Called when the content area context menu is showing. We figure out whether
- * to show our context items.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.contextMenuShowing = function() {
- var contextItem = ge("view-userscript");
- var contextSep = ge("install-userscript-sep");
- var culprit = document.popupNode;
- while (culprit && culprit.tagName && culprit.tagName.toLowerCase() != "a") {
- culprit = culprit.parentNode;
- }
- contextItem.hidden =
- contextSep.hidden =
- !this.getUserScriptLinkUnderPointer();
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.getUserScriptLinkUnderPointer = function() {
- var culprit = document.popupNode;
- while (culprit && culprit.tagName && culprit.tagName.toLowerCase() != "a") {
- culprit = culprit.parentNode;
- }
- if (!culprit || !culprit.href ||
- !culprit.href.match(/\.user\.js(\?|$)/i)) {
- return null;
- }
- var ioSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- var uri = ioSvc.newURI(culprit.href, null, null);
- return uri;
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.toolsMenuShowing = function() {
- var installItem = ge("userscript-tools-install");
- var hidden = true;
- if (window._content && window._content.location &&
- window.content.location.href.match(/\.user\.js(\?|$)/i)) {
- hidden = false;
- }
- // Better to use hidden than collapsed because collapsed still allows you to
- // select the item using keyboard navigation, but hidden doesn't.
- installItem.setAttribute("hidden", hidden.toString());
- };
- /**
- * Helper method which gets the menuCommander corresponding to a given
- * document
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.getCommander = function(unsafeWin) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.menuCommanders.length; i++) {
- if (this.menuCommanders[i].win == unsafeWin) {
- return this.menuCommanders[i].commander;
- }
- }
- // no commander found. create one and add it.
- var commander = new GM_MenuCommander(document);
- this.menuCommanders.push({win:unsafeWin, commander:commander});
- return commander;
- };
- /**
- * Helper to determine if a given dom window is in this tabbrowser
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.isMyWindow = function(domWindow) {
- var tabbrowser = getBrowser();
- var browser;
- for (var i = 0; browser = tabbrowser.browsers[i]; i++) {
- if (browser.contentWindow == domWindow) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- function GM_showGeneralPopup(aEvent) {
- // set the enabled/disabled state
- GM_BrowserUI.generalMenuEnabledItem.setAttribute("checked", GM_getEnabled());
- }
- function GM_showPopup(aEvent) {
- function urlsOfAllFrames(contentWindow) {
- function collect(contentWindow) {
- urls = urls.concat(urlsOfAllFrames(contentWindow));
- }
- var urls = [contentWindow.location.href];
- Array.prototype.slice.call(contentWindow.frames).forEach(collect);
- return urls;
- }
- function uniq(a) {
- var seen = {}, list = [], item;
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- item = a[i];
- if (!seen.hasOwnProperty(item))
- seen[item] = list.push(item);
- }
- return list;
- }
- function scriptsMatching(urls) {
- function testMatchURLs(script) {
- function testMatchURL(url) {
- return script.matchesURL(url);
- }
- return urls.some(testMatchURL);
- }
- return GM_getConfig().getMatchingScripts(testMatchURLs);
- }
- function appendScriptToPopup(script) {
- var mi = document.createElement("menuitem");
- mi.setAttribute("label", script.name);
- mi.script = script;
- mi.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- mi.setAttribute("checked", script.enabled.toString());
- popup.insertBefore(mi, tail);
- }
- var popup = aEvent.target;
- var tail = document.getElementById("gm-status-no-scripts-sep");
- // set the enabled/disabled state
- GM_BrowserUI.statusEnabledItem.setAttribute("checked", GM_getEnabled());
- // remove all the scripts from the list
- for (var i = popup.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var node = popup.childNodes[i];
- if (node.script || node.getAttribute("value") == "hack") {
- popup.removeChild(node);
- }
- }
- var urls = uniq( urlsOfAllFrames( getBrowser().contentWindow ));
- var runsOnTop = scriptsMatching( [urls.shift()] ); // first url = top window
- var runsFramed = scriptsMatching( urls ); // remainder are all its subframes
- // drop all runsFramed scripts already present in runsOnTop
- for (var i = 0; i < runsOnTop.length; i++) {
- var j = 0, item = runsOnTop[i];
- while (j < runsFramed.length) {
- if (item === runsFramed[j]) {
- runsFramed.splice(j, 1);
- } else {
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- // build the new list of scripts
- if (runsFramed.length) {
- runsFramed.forEach(appendScriptToPopup);
- if (runsOnTop.length) { // only add the separator if there is stuff below
- var separator = document.createElement("menuseparator");
- separator.setAttribute("value", "hack"); // remove it in the loop above
- popup.insertBefore(separator, tail);
- }
- }
- runsOnTop.forEach(appendScriptToPopup);
- var foundInjectedScript = !!(runsFramed.length + runsOnTop.length);
- document.getElementById("gm-status-no-scripts").collapsed = foundInjectedScript;
- }
- /**
- * Handle clicking one of the items in the popup. Left-click toggles the enabled
- * state, rihgt-click opens in an editor.
- */
- function GM_popupClicked(aEvent) {
- if (aEvent.button == 0 || aEvent.button == 2) {
- var script = aEvent.target.script;
- if (!script) return;
- if (aEvent.button == 0) // left-click: toggle enabled state
- script.enabled =! script.enabled;
- else // right-click: open in editor
- openInEditor(script);
- closeMenus(aEvent.target);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Greasemonkey's enabled state has changed, either as a result of clicking
- * the icon in this window, clicking it in another window, or even changing
- * the mozilla preference that backs it directly.
- */
- GM_BrowserUI.refreshStatus = function() {
- if (GM_getEnabled()) {
- this.statusImage.src = "chrome://greasemonkey/content/icon_small.png";
- this.statusImage.tooltipText = this.bundle.getString("tooltip.enabled");
- } else {
- this.statusImage.src = "chrome://greasemonkey/content/icon_small_disabled.png";
- this.statusImage.tooltipText = this.bundle.getString("tooltip.disabled");
- }
- this.statusImage.style.opacity = "1.0";
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.newUserScript = function() {
- var windowWatcher = Components
- .classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
- windowWatcher.openWindow(
- window, "chrome://greasemonkey/content/newscript.xul", null,
- "chrome,dependent,centerscreen,resizable,dialog", null
- );
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.showStatus = function(message, autoHide) {
- if (this.statusLabel.collapsed) {
- this.statusLabel.collapsed = false;
- }
- message += " ";
- var box = document.createElement("vbox");
- var label = document.createElement("label");
- box.style.position = "fixed";
- box.style.left = "-10000px";
- box.style.top = "-10000px";
- box.style.border = "5px solid red";
- box.appendChild(label);
- document.documentElement.appendChild(box);
- label.setAttribute("value", message);
- var current = parseInt(this.statusLabel.style.width);
- this.statusLabel.value = message;
- var max = label.boxObject.width;
- this.showAnimation = new Accelimation(this.statusLabel.style,
- "width", max, 300, 2, "px");
- this.showAnimation.onend = GM_hitch(this, "showStatusAnimationEnd", autoHide);
- this.showAnimation.start();
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.showStatusAnimationEnd = function(autoHide) {
- this.showAnimation = null;
- if (autoHide) {
- this.setAutoHideTimer();
- }
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.setAutoHideTimer = function() {
- if (this.autoHideTimer) {
- window.clearTimeout(this.autoHideTimer);
- }
- this.autoHideTimer = window.setTimeout(GM_hitch(this, "hideStatus"), 3000);
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.hideStatusImmediately = function() {
- if (this.showAnimation) {
- this.showAnimation.stop();
- this.showAnimation = null;
- }
- if (this.hideAnimation) {
- this.hideAnimation.stop();
- this.hideAnimation = null;
- }
- if (this.autoHideTimer) {
- window.clearTimeout(this.autoHideTimer);
- this.autoHideTimer = null;
- }
- this.statusLabel.style.width = "0";
- this.statusLabel.collapsed = true;
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.hideStatus = function() {
- if (!this.hideAnimation) {
- this.autoHideTimer = null;
- this.hideAnimation = new Accelimation(this.statusLabel.style,
- "width", 0, 300, 2, "px");
- this.hideAnimation.onend = GM_hitch(this, "hideStatusAnimationEnd");
- this.hideAnimation.start();
- }
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.hideStatusAnimationEnd = function() {
- this.hideAnimation = null;
- this.statusLabel.collapsed = true;
- };
- // necessary for webProgressListener implementation
- GM_BrowserUI.onProgressChange = function(webProgress,b,c,d,e,f){};
- GM_BrowserUI.onStateChange = function(a,b,c,d){};
- GM_BrowserUI.onStatusChange = function(a,b,c,d){};
- GM_BrowserUI.onSecurityChange = function(a,b,c){};
- GM_BrowserUI.onLinkIconAvailable = function(a){};
- GM_BrowserUI.showHorrayMessage = function(scriptName) {
- this.showStatus("'" + scriptName + "' " + this.bundle.getString("statusbar.installed"), true);
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.installMenuItemClicked = function() {
- GM_BrowserUI.startInstallScript(
- gBrowser.currentURI
- );
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.viewContextItemClicked = function() {
- var uri = GM_BrowserUI.getUserScriptLinkUnderPointer();
- this.scriptDownloader_ = new ScriptDownloader(window, uri, this.bundle);
- this.scriptDownloader_.startViewScript();
- };
- GM_BrowserUI.manageMenuItemClicked = function() {
- GM_openUserScriptManager();
- };
- //loggify(GM_BrowserUI, "GM_BrowserUI");
- log("calling init...");
- GM_BrowserUI.init();